Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cannot squeeze money out of a turnip

Handy Man hasn't had any unemployment benefits in a month. The state's unemployment fund has gone bankrupt. I knew it couldn't last forever, but it doesn't make life any easier.

Since the funds dried up we have had two trips to the emergency room - for the kids. They will bill my insurance. I am so glad I have a job and health insurance.

One kid had to have an anti-biotic that cost $240.00, and my insurance requires that I pay first and the insurance will reimburse me. That wiped out our emergency fund.

Our water heater went on the fritz and Handy Man was able to fix it, but no hot water to the bathroom sink. We have to get the money for a water valve before that can be repaired.

Last night I was supposed to attend a ladies get together but it was a carry-in dinner and I didn't have anything to carry in.

Then yesterday the starter went out on Handy Man's truck. A new one costs $135.00. It has to be replaced or he cannot go clean up and mow lawns.

I need deoderant so I am using Craig's, and we are about out of toilet paper

The YMCA called last night because they want to start Half Pint's swimming class again. I really want her to go, so I said that she would be there. I might have to borrow the money from my parents.

Craig and I are supposed to chaperone a field trip next week. We are going to need money for our entrance and gas and food. It won't be my payday until the next day. Ugh.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Need Help?

Food Pantries and other assistance:

The Window - 223 S. Main Street Goshen, IN
Salvation Army -1013 N. Main Street Goshen, IN
Church Community Services - 629 S. 3rd Street Elkhart, IN
Salvation Army - 2721 Benham Avenue, Elkhart

The First Presbyterian Church of Nappanee, 1155 N. Main St., began Mealtime Ministries on Tuesday. The Mealtime Ministries will be offered each Tuesday in the Family Life Center of the church for families and individuals that are unemployed or underemployed. This is a free meal and will be served at 5:30 p.m. The congregation hopes to be of assistance to individuals and families during these challenging days.

Eternal Life Deliverance Ministry, 57772 C.R. 9, is giving away care packages on the second Saturday of every month. Items in the packages are ones not easily purchased with food stamps.
Angel Food Ministries distribution points are located at California Road Missionary Church, 29765 C.R. 12 W. Includes fresh and frozen items, $30 per box/unit. No applications or qualifications necessary. EBT cards or food stamps are accepted in person only. Information:

Church Without Walls, 731 Wagner Ave., food pantry open from 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesdays and 10 a.m. to noon Thursdays. Information: 293-0776.

Elkhart Community Senior Outreach gives out canned food on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at the Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church, 802 W. Garfield Ave., Elkhart. Information: 293-2467 or 295-6970.

Emerge Ministries is a homeless prevention service agency in Elkhart County serving the needs of families at risk. Please contact us at 293-0776.

Guidance Ministries, 216 N. Second St. Come in for a cup of coffee. Food pantry and clothing ministry from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Bring a picture ID. Information: Sister Judy at 296-7192 or

Mike Huckabee Visits Elkhart

The Elkhart Truth:

Elkhart: Fox News host sees a lot to like in the area

See the broadcast:

USA Today

Obama visits job-starved Elkhart, Indiana

This article was published February 9, 2009 and Mayor Dick Moore said that the unemployment rate in the city of Elkhart was 18%. More businesses have closed, so it has to be even higher now.

What the New York Times says about Elkhart, IN

From the New York Times -

Road to November
As Industries Dry Up, Frustration and Despair

Obama’s Prime-Time Press Briefing

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The First Entry

Handy Man has been unemployed for one year and three weeks now. This week he did not get any money from unemployment insurance. I am pretty sure he has reached the end of his benefits. Needless to say, I have a lot of thoughts and worries related to the economy in this area. I hope to make this blog more than a place to vent. I hope to share tips and tricks that I learn as I try to make ends meet on my measley beginning teacher's income. I hope I can connect people with resources to help them with their financial struggles. I hope I can dole out some encouragement too.

The title of the blog might not be appropriate. Maybe it should be "This Family's Pulse" but I think the title is cool, so I will try to include some stuff about the exciting metropolis of Elkhart Indiana as I write. Welcome. Please leave a comment and let me know that I am not writing to an audience of one.